True Care and Other Pregnancy Centers Offer True Choice Through Options Education and Abortion Pill Reversal

Photo credit: Unsplash


She named her baby Psalms, for she read that book of the Bible over and over during her pregnancy.

Jade, a woman living in England, took the first abortion pill upon feeling pressured by her circumstances to make that decision. She immediately regretted that choice. She searched online for the answer to her question: “Can I reverse the abortion pill?” A website managed by Heartbeat International, a world-wide organization that assists pregnancy centers and maintains the Abortion Pill Rescue Network®, appeared on her computer screen. Jade contacted the hotline and was put in touch with a physician in her area who would help her attempt to reverse the effects of that first abortion pill.

Her baby boy was born healthy several months later.

“I read Psalms many times during my pregnancy and chose his name as a conversation starter,” Jade is quoted in an article for Pregnancy Help News, an online publication also managed by Heartbeat International.

Photo credit: Unsplash


Who Gives Real Choice?

Today, women in England who regret taking that first abortion pill and who are searching for help to save their pregnancies may not find that help. Between Google, the internet giant, prohibiting ads on Abortion Pill Reversal (APR) and England’s General Medical Council banning doctors from using the APR progesterone protocol, pro-abortion advocates are essentially prohibiting ‘choice’ for women attempting to stop the abortion process.

Pro-life pregnancy centers like True Care actually offer true choice and autonomy for women. Although we would like to see them choose life and not death for their unborn children, we serve them with compassion and provide educational information on all three legal pregnancy options: abortion, adoption, and parenting. We offer them resources, in-center programs and referrals to community agencies that can help them with needs such as housing, Medicaid, job-training, parenting programs, adoption agencies, physicians, and more. We check in on our patients periodically to see if any new needs or issues have cropped up. Women who have been sexually assaulted or are in a domestic violence situation are provided information on counseling, healing programs, and safe houses.

Whereas women who go to abortion clinics report, “The doctor acted like it was assembly-line work,” “The doctor was grotesque. He whistled show tunes,” and “The staff was very matter-of-fact, no kindness,” patients describe their experience at True Care in words like, “I felt loved, heard, and welcomed,” “They are personable and provide great service and care,” and “True Care is a very safe and welcoming place.”

Photo credit: GIrwin


For those women who are undecided about the outcome of their pregnancies or who say they plan to abort, we provide information on Abortion Pill Reversal, offering them a second chance, another choice, even if they have taken the first abortion pill.

Who provides true choice and compassion? True Care and the other 2,700+ pregnancy centers across the country.

Photo credit: T. Winship


Tell Others About APR

Pregnancy centers and other life-affirming organizations in the United States have had their ads for abortion pill reversal rejected and/or taken down by Google and Facebook. Help us spread the word about APR by educating women in your sphere of influence that there is hope in an unplanned pregnancy, even after taking the first abortion pill.

Learn more about APR here: