Heroes Walk for Life: Here’s Why

Twenty-one-year-old Alexis recently visited True Care. She told her Advocate after seeing the ultrasound she was “freaked out” about being pregnant. The father of her unborn child abused Alexis emotionally, verbally, and physically. The young woman, homeless, suffered depression and … Continued

Sweet Successes Happen Because of You!

When 34-year-old Hannah came to True Care recently, her intention was to abort. “I have been a single mother nearly all my life. I have a teenager at home, and I can’t start over with a baby, not after all … Continued

Time for Big, Bold Prayers!

Photo credit: Pexels A new season is upon us. Autumn arrived on Wednesday, September 22 and with this new season comes growth opportunities for us as believers – to become stronger prayer warriors. The fall campaign for 40 Days for … Continued