Abortion Pill Risks

Two recent reports released by Heartbeat International show a significant rise in the percentage of abortions done via chemical means: the abortion pill. Heartbeat’s 2020 Life Trends Report shows the percentage of women using the abortion pill is steadily increasing, … Continued

Serving With Compassion and Impacting Life

True Care Women’s Resource Center became part of the Casper Community nearly 35 years ago; we were known as The Caring Center in those days. Before we were True Care, before we were a medical clinic with professionally-trained nurses, we were here … Continued

Why We Walk Each Summer

She came through our doors after scheduling her appointment for an in-center visit. The 25-year-old was already a mother to three toddlers. With tears in her eyes, she told her Advocate she was planning to abort. “I just can’t bring … Continued

Why True Care Remains on the Front Line

Women contact our Scheduling Line looking for the abortion pill, including a 26-year-old married woman with four other children. “I just can’t do this pregnancy thing again – I already have a young one in arms,” she said. Medication/chemical abortions, … Continued

Renewal and New Birth During the Easter Season

Behold, I make all things new. – Jesus (Revelation 21:5) Despite the major snowstorm we experienced in and around Casper recently, the calendar reminds us spring starts March 20. Many of us await the sights and smells of crocuses, daffodils, … Continued

Finding the Treasures of Grace and Life

“I am the way, the truth, and the life…” – Jesus, John 14:6 Twenty-one-year-old Laura said she was undecided as to the outcome of her pregnancy. The young woman suffered heavily from anxiety. She took medication and was seeing a … Continued

Helping Victims of Assault Find Safety and Courage

She said her boyfriend beat and raped her. Another patient experienced verbal and physical abuse. Yet another patient told our Advocate she was sexually assaulted after her drink was spiked. Another danced at a local strip club, and though she said … Continued

How Much is a Baby Bottle Worth?

You may find them at church. You may see one sitting on a friend’s kitchen counter or in their car. You may find a couple of them in your parents’ living room. Baby bottles crop up in Casper during this … Continued

Prayer and Persistence Pay Off

Nineteen-year-old Rachel came into our center a few weeks before the holiday season. She was seeking an abortion and wanted to verify she was pregnant and receive information on abortion. After her pregnancy test, which was positive, and an ultrasound … Continued

The Year in Review

Nineteen-year-old “Paula” planned to abort when she came into our center recently. “I’m too young, and I don’t want to be pregnant,” she told her Advocate. She believed her boyfriend would support whatever decision she made, and she said she … Continued